Teen Dental Care

Tips for home efforts that protect your teen's dental health

Limit sodas and energy drinks

Sugary carbonated drinks are the number one cause of tooth decay in adolescents. Many 20 ounce bottles of soda contain 18 teaspoons of sugar in an extremely acidic liquid. The combination can be devastating for teeth.

Encourage brushing before bedtime

Night hours can be especially harmful as the mouth dries out and bacterial plaque flourishes.

Explain the dangers of sharing toothbrushes

Teens love to share everything, even toothbrushes. The bacteria that cause gum disease and cavities can easily transfer from one person to the next through this method.

Slip in dental floss or a toothpick with their lunch or backpack

This can be a subtle reminder for your teen to quickly clean their teeth after snacks or lunch at school.

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